Thursday, January 23, 2014

Family As a Form Of Happiness

mini balls yellow blue happy smiley faces sad faces

When you have the support of your family, it means you have a supporter. Family is a place you can laugh out loud, cry and express your abilities without getting judged. You have someone to call in case of difficulties and a shoulder to cry upon. You have a sibling to sleep next to and a parent who can give advice and look after you.

Who would ask for more than this? Why can’t all of us enjoy this warm environment? Why would we want to ruin this?

Nowadays you read everywhere that in the media that having and maintaining a healthy family is dangerous for your career as it requires a lot of time and care. Wanting to have a proper family it is considered “traditional”. What is important now days is money; if you have money you can have everything: even happiness.

When we meet each other we don’t care about asking how the family is doing but how job is doing. How career are is going, and if by any chance one of the people talking shows more interest in your family’s well being than your career’s he is called rude, unintelligent, and provincial.

Our society has come to a point where giving everything up for your career is a given and not a sacrifice; where your boss is your master and you are his slave that puts away any morals to please him.

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